Why do we need a Perennial Education for our kids? by Sankofa Student Consultants

A perennial education serves to unite the populace with the same worldview. Defined contextually as “existing or continuing in the same way for a long time (Merriam Webster, 2016),” explains how the community come to value the same ideals.

In America, the perennial education system is designed to serve and uplift European American students. By portraying European peoples as the characters in most school texts and educational videos, it builds the level of competency of European children, which in turn gives them the confidence and belief that they can do anything.

African American children are missing this valuable piece of education in their most crucial years of development. Instead of seeing themselves as capable, they associate capability with those they witness accomplishing great things; whom are usually of the European race.

In order to build the level of competency in African American children, they must see themselves accomplishing great feats.  

I invite you to begin the conversation on the need for a perennial education in this communal public discussion here on my blog and/or at www.SankofaStudent.com; where our only goal is the unification of our nation through education.  And remember, country borders are drawn in blood; where ever there are people willing to spill their blood for liberation, new borders are drawn.


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